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We are glad to inform you about our new Fund Transfer Facility e-CMS for seamless transfer of funds using Virtual bank account (VBA) number to SS Corporate Securities Ltd – Client Bank a/c. With the help of this unique facility, you shall be able to swiftly transfer funds from your registered / designated Bank Account to SS Corporate Securities Ltd – Client Bank a/c.

Your Virtual bank account (VBA) number would be SCST44+CLIENT CODE

For example, Client Code is GX987 the VBA will be SCST44GX987

The new bank details to be added in net-banking (Other than HDFC Bank account Holders) is as follows:
Bank Account Number: SCST44+CLIENT CODE
IFSC: HDFC0000003

The new bank details to be added in net-banking (HDFC Bank account Holders) is as follows (As shown in Pic):

Go to your HDFC Net Banking page and go to the Fund Transfer page

Add beneficiary in HDFC bank as eCMS transfer

Bank Account Number: SCST44+CLIENT CODE


When you transfer funds using above facility, funds will be update in your trading code ledger and on trading terminal automatically on credit received in our bank account

(Important Note – Client advised to transfer funds from their registered bank account, transfers from unregistered bank account or third party payments will not be updated in your trading code ledger.)

Account NameTypeAccount NumberBankBranchAccount TypeIFSC Code
SS Corporate Securities Ltd. USCNB accountEquity, FNO and CurrencySCST44+CLIENT CODEHDFC BankK.G Marg. New DelhiCurrent AccountHDFC0000003
USCNBA Details

“Investors are requested to note that Stock broker (SS CORPORATE SECURITIES LTD.) is permitted to receive money from investor through designated bank accounts only named as Up streaming Client Nodal Bank Account (USCNBA). Stock broker (SS CORPORATE SECURITIES LTD.) is also required to disclose these USCNB accounts to Stock Exchange. Hence, you are requested to use following USCNB accounts only for the purpose of dealings in your trading account with us. The details of these USCNB accounts are also displayed by Stock Exchanges on their website under “Know/ Locate your Stock Broker.”

Up streaming Client Nodal Bank Account
S.noBank NameBank Account No.IFSCBranchBank Account TypeSegment
1.HDFC Bank Limited00030340002844HDFC0000003DelhiCurrent Bank AccountCM,FO,CD
2.Union Bank of India519501010035376UBIN0551953DelhiCurrent Bank AccountCM,FO,CD